Friday, June 24, 2011

#17: Let's Get Some Shoes

Shoes, Let’s Get Some Shoes

Let’s go ahead and add shoes to the list of countless items that I have stumbled upon while delving into the wedding-world beat. Also add it to the list of “oh I really didn’t think of that” list. Probably because, if you aren’t Carrie Bradshaw, shoes aren’t a crucial part of your day. So I concocted a list of what I think are appropriate and a few personality types to help you decide where you land. Beware, this is totally subjective to the mind of …well the mind of me!

The Louboutins

I feel like these shoes should have their own category because the women that wear them sure as hell do. Choose these shoes for your big day if you fall into any (or all) of the following scenarios:
A. “Christian made white ones?! That’s an excuse to wear them after Labor Day!?”
B. “Daddddddyyy, can you increase my limit on my platinum card? Just one more time I promise!”
C. “Do shoes even exist without red soles?”
D. “Well, I’ve always wanted a pair of nice shoes, why not go all out for my day?”

The Strappy Heel 

A. Beach Wedding
B. I have cute toes!
C. “My feet sweat to much”
D. “Hey, they were white and cheap.”

The White Converse or Toms

A. I’m a hipster, duh.
B. I’m getting married at 18 and these were actually in my closet.
C. Psh, me—in heels?!
D. Okay, this is cute, comfy, and cost-effective!

The Sparkle Toms

These get their own category simply because I want them to because this is what I want to wear on MY wedding day. So the categories are as follows:
A. You’re Aly Harrell
B. You’re want to be as cool as Aly Harrell
C. Okay, you’re just being a copy-cat.
D. I’ll let you get away with it because of the Tom’s Movement.


**Note: Could also be substituted for the pink ones…or in my case the black ones…cause those are some bad-mamma-jamma shoes!


Hybrid Category: The Blinged Out Pseudo-Sneaker

Gonna admit, I don’t get these at all…
A. “I’m going to do something different!”
B. “I’m going to do something different..but I wouldn’t be caught dead in sneakers!”
C. “What to do with all these left over sequins and my hot glue gun….?”
D. “I’m from Alabama y’all—we got sparkles on evvvrathing!”

And finally--seriously these deserve a drum roll...

The Whatevers
Man, these are hideous...just sayin'.

A. "I have to by special shoes for my wedding day?"
B. "I'll be able to dance all night in these!"
C. "Nobody's going to see them anyway..."
D. "I'm 85, getting married for the 5+ time and I know it's not going to last long. Because I'm 85."

Too rough? Oh well! Enjoy!


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